It’s Time for SecuriX to Do the Secure Access management in your Organization
Fully App Based Technology
SecuriX is a technology platform that brings together visitors to the host organization and its hosts bringing forth a secure system of appointment generation, follow-up, approvals, physical checks and or reporting to relevant stakeholders.
Any large campus-oriented organization has several buildings/zones/departments/rooms each with one or more entry exit points which are security manned by a human guard. Each of these are under the control of different persons or representative persons.
There are various kinds of visitors to each of these different areas and needs to be screened for permissions to enter the area.
Secure access to any of the areas of the organization is a necessity and requires a need to be basis for access/use by anyone.
Some visitors may visit randomly
courier agents/ service personnel arriving on foot/2W/3W/4W/trucks
visitors arriving on foot/2W/3W/4W
SecuriX helps achieve this objective in the following way
Assist random visitors to create appointments with specific hosts using a calendar and notification system using secure Google Calendar apis with details of the mode of entry.
Generating a secure QR code for each such visit for the person and the registration number of the vehicle mode separately, once the host approves/authorizes entry of the visitor.
Tracking the visitor movement at each checkpoint, duly scanned by the security guard’s phone camera/inbuilt QR code reader. This ensures that the visitor is routed through the correct sequence of check points to reach the intended host.
All return track is logged on the way out of the campus for both visitor and vehicle.
Some visitors may be regulars
organizations own regulars/staff/officers arriving on foot/2W/3W/4W
SecuriX helps achieve this objective in the following way
Assist the regulars to create passes with specific hosts using a calendar and notification system using secure Google Calendar apis with details of the mode of entry.
Generating a secure QR code for the person and the registration number of the vehicle mode separately, once the host approves/authorises entry of the regular.
Tracking the visitor movement at each checkpoint, duly scanned by the security guard’s phone camera/inbuilt QR code reader. This ensures that the visitor is routed through the correct sequence of check points to reach the intended host.
All return track is logged on the way out of the campus for both visitor and vehicle.
On the Operations side the SecuriX platform, has a database of all regulars/staff/officers is maintained securely using a 2-factor authentication process or through responsible host representatives by manual authentication (passes etc). The platform also has a database of all checkpoints for all buildings/zones/departments/rooms.
The checkpoint guard representative host maintains a shift wise roster of available staff managing their attendance using an automated interactive notification module, allocates specific guards to all identified checkpoints using an allocation module. The security supervisor monitors alerts, anomalies, or shift/day/week/month reports for desired points of interests.
This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.

This is the space to describe the product. Write a short overview that includes important features, pricing and other relevant info for a potential buyer. Consider adding an image or video to show off the product and entice visitors to make a purchase.

Seamless User Experience
The Platform comprises of 4 companion apps and a backend manager Interface and dashboard.
Visitor App (Android + iPhone) | App used to request appointments with specific hosts in the organization – duly integrated with the Visitor’s Google Calendar and its notification engine.
Host App (Android + Iphone) | App used to monitor and or approve upcoming appointment requests – duly integrated with the Google Calendar and notification engine to avoid appointment conflicts / modify / cancel / shift appointments on the fly.
Admin App (Android) & Online Web Browser Dashboard | Both used to onboard regulars/staff/officers (all Hosts) of the organisation including approving/ modifying / cancelling passes, publish reports, send reports to concerned.
Staff App (Android) | App used to identify checkpoint location allocated every day, mark attendance on specified location, check for entry exits for visitors and or vehicles, raise alerts.

All Data is stored and exchanged in an encrypted format. Decryption key is never shared outside the organization by the Customer.
It is never known to anyone of the SecuriX platform managers/owners or developers.
A 360 degree perspective is available to all stakeholders at any instant.
All movements are tracked checkpoint wise to be available on the fly.